Friday, October 21, 2011

Second Life Event Proposal

Larisa Ocañada, Michael Yra, Michelle Nguyen
Professor Veeder
DAI 627

Experiment Title: to be announced
Scenario: Individuals who attend our event will help decorate the Christmas tree using objects they made or found and once everyone is done, we will be giving out Santa hats.

Mechanics: Our goal is to create an event where the whole class can work together as a whole. Since the holiday season is coming up, we figured having a Christmas theme would be the perfect way of keeping a consistent concept. With that, attendees will work together to decorate the Christmas tree that we will provide. They have the choice of finding or building their ornaments. Once the class finishes, then we will supply Santa hats as a reward for their efforts.

Location: Designated sandbox

Roles: The moderators of the event will create the Christmas tree and the class can also help document/videotape the event.

Role Assignments
- Ornaments: moderators/class
- Christmas tree: moderators
- Documentation : moderators/class
- Photos : moderators/class
- Video footage : class
Assests: Ornaments can either be created or searched at different locations in Second Life. We plan on making the Christmas tree.

Participation Preparation: This is optional for the attendees to do. If they want to make their own ornaments or find ornaments at a different location, prior they can do so, but if not they can create the event starts.

Production Plan: As moderators for this event, we will create the Christmas tree and email the class a few days in advance so they have the option to look for ornaments before they participate. People who choose not to prepare, can build their ornaments on-site on the day of.